
Born in Stockholm, Sweden 1977, Alexander has studied with various painters in Sweden and USA. He has been making a living as a painter from the age of 22 and has exhibited his work in various parts of USA and Europe. Collectors come from USA, UK, Germany, France, Portugal, Spain, Mexico, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy and Norway.

Artist statement

“The past is my guide for looking at our world today. Some of our most human traits like our unyielding desire to indulge and consume, our innate attraction to myths and legends, and our relentless quest for divine power and control run like a red thread throughout human history. I am trying to follow that thread to see where it takes me in my art.”

 Alexander Klingspor

Klingspor in Context

By Peter Trippi

Intriguing, alluring, enigmatic, uncanny, unnerving, anxious, even nightmarish. These were the words uttered by several American colleagues when I showed them photographs of recent paintings by Alexander Klingspor. They used these terms not in disdain, but rather to describe their personal responses to the images, which they all admired. After close looking, few could identify a discernible narrative or moral, though they could see that the motifs were neither haphazard nor willfully cryptic—that they must surely point to meanings significant to the artist.

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Interview with Alexander Klingspor

Nicola Linza and Cristoffer Neljesjö for Manner of Man, New York

I’ve learned over and over again that the subconscious is always faster than the intellect. When an idea comes into my mind it does so as a vision. This is kind of like a daydream that hits me like lightning. I then turn the idea/vision into a painting.  It is usually not until much later after the painting is finished that I realize and can formulate in words what the image and narrative in the painting was really about. I’m very fascinated with how my subconscious works in a visual symbolic language.

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